Threat of Radicalism

At the Faculty of  Management of Land Resources a roundtable discussion was held between professors and teachers on "We are against radicalism, missionaryism and proselytism" today. At this event, Imam of Mosque Kamoliddin Orif Bukhari, Kobilqori Toshpulatov told students about radicalism, terrorism, and militant extremism, noting that they are not only distributed across a single country or territory, but also that this process doesn't have a national boundary .

At the same time, it is for this reason that the formation of an environment of non-proliferation of terrorism and extremism in the territory of the CIS member states, identification and elimination of the causes of the occurrence of these dangerous threats and that the religion of Islam should only propagate goodness and talk about the hadiths and hadiths mentioned therein.

The main purpose of religion is to encourage people to be good and to avoid bad habits, regrettably, inherited from our ancestors from the ever-expanding traditions and statutory rules. Islam has said that two types of religion today are divided into two types, called educated and radical. Not only is it important for young people to be aware of unpleasant incidents and disorder in other countries, but to appreciate our peace, protect it from any threats, and that any war ends with the hardships and suffering of innocent people, they only want to benefit. We have not achieved this peace easily, and now we have to respect, preserve and care for the need to preserve Uzbekistan and stabilize its peace.

Then dean of the faculty Sh.Narbaev and deputy dean for work with youth Kh. Eshova summed up the results of the meeting with all the students, who appreciated the peace and tranquility of our Motherland, the future of the youth, such as missionary, terrorism and extremism. from the illusions. At the end of the event, the students received answers from the staff. The event was very interesting.

       Report by Kh.Eshova, a deputy dean of faculty of MLR   

           R.Jumaniyozov, the press secretary of the institute