History of the department

Head department of “Land resources management”

Mukumov Abdugani Murotovich

Phone: +99871-237-19-47

Email: a.mukumov@tiiame.uz




Department initially 1947 "Landscape Design" (today it was established under the name "Land Resources Management") and is still considered one of the main specialized departments of the faculty. The founder and first head of the department is Ivan Klementevich Baranov, candidate of economic sciences, who has the title of "Honored land developer in Uzbekistan". Tashpolatovich Abdurazzokov and Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Reshat Abdurakhmonovich Safagariyev (1981-1991) seriously led the department. From 1996 to 2009, the department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Sadulla Avezbayev. In 2008-2010, the position of head of the department was held by senior teacher A.J.Gofirov, from September 2010 to December 2012, the department was headed by senior teacher A.M.Mukumov, in 2013-2014 by associate professor M.J.Tulyaganov, in 2015-2016 led again by senior teacher A.M.Mukumov. In 2016-2018, the department was headed by candidate of economic sciences, associate professor A.R.Babajanov, in 2018-2023, by doctor of economic sciences, professor A.S.Altiyev, today, senior teacher A.M. Mukumov works as the head of the department.

During the period of organization and development of the department, mainly specialists associated with the production of Baranov I.K., Artamonov V.S., Bulkin N.N., Kulikovskiy P.M., Shipilova A.I. and the first graduates of the faculty Safagariev R.A. and Ermakov I.V. The first candidates of science at the faculty were members of the department "Land management design" I.K. Baranov and V.S. Artamonov. Given the great scientific and methodological experience and great scientific and methodological potential, among the first at the faculty were awarded the title of associate professor, without defending a thesis A.I. Shipilova, M.I. Mishin and P.M. Kulikovsky. In subsequent years, the teaching staff of the department was updated and expanded from among the graduates who were excellent students. In 1969-1980, among such young teachers were Abdurazakov A.T., Kaigorodov V.P., Safagariev R.A. and Avezbaev S.A. They successfully completed their postgraduate studies and defended their Ph.D. dissertations. In 1985-1995, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Babazhanov A.R., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Rakhmanov K.R. and Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Azizov M.M. became members of the department. In 1992, associate professor Avezbaev S.A. successfully completed his doctoral studies at the Moscow State University of Land Management (MSULM). In the same year, associate professor A.S. Chertovitsky successfully defended  his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University. In subsequent years, Professor Avezbaev S.A. together with Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Volkov S.N. textbooks "Land  management design", "Scientific foundations of land management", "Economics of land management" were published in Uzbek. Today, the staff of the department also trains highly qualified specialists in the field of land management, management of land use and land cadastre, performs a large amount of research work, taking into account modern requirements. In recent years, great work has been carried out to increase the scientific potential of the department. In particular, A. S. Chertovitsky and A. S. Altiev successfully defended their doctoral dissertations in the 1990s in 2018. The head of the department together with his employees published educational manuals on a number of subjects such as "Territory development", "Integrated management of land use", "Fundamentals of land use", "Landscape land formation", information support of land resources management. are doing.

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