Global Issues

It is known that human trafficking today is one of the most serious problems facing the peoples of the world, and it does not choose borders . According to the United Nations, about 2 million 800 thousand people worldwide are being killed every year. Unfortunately, about 80 percent of the victims are women and children. Some people's confidence and lack of legal knowledge are the cause of this crime. A great deal is being done to prevent this problem. In particular, the Vice-rector for Youth Affairs Q.Shavazov, the dean of the faculty of  MLR, Sh.Narbaev, a deputy dean for work with youth Kh. Eshova and the chairman of the Women's Committee Z.Khafizova participated in a series of round-table discussions on "Trafficking in human beings is a terrible crime" and "Negative consequences of early marriages" were held among the teaching staff and students.

The main purpose of the workshop is to introduce effective methods of protecting students from various foreign missions, especially in the area of ​​anti-trafficking measures. The event was attended by members of the Working Group on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings A.Ahmedov and F.Ahmedov, Mayor of Mirzo Ulugbek District's Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism S.Tozhiddinov, Chairman of the Youth Council of Z .Sadullayev noted that the introduction of effective methods of moral education in educational institutions and protection of pupils from various horizons, one of the most pressing problems of human trafficking today is the fight against trafficking and that the trafficking of human beings has become a global problem and is one of the most horrific crimes against humanity in our age.

This vicious crime against millions of people is being fought in many countries around the world today. We observe the public, especially through the media and the interethnic networks, that the young people are not fully informed about the trafficking of persons, believing in the lies of various people and becoming victims of trafficking. It was noted that the importance of such events, conducted in cooperation with the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Prosecutor's Office, to prevent awareness and to increase awareness of students.

At the event, it was emphasized that today's trivial message, which seems insignificant to human morality, is based on the power of globalization in the world of information, which is invisible to the naked eye, can cause damage. In the face of increasing threats, we must always be alert, aware, and vigilant. Reforms for the sake of sustainable development of our country are related to changes in the minds of the population. These threats can be responded to in a comprehensive, well-thought-out, scientifically-arranged, systematic and continuous spiritual education. Also, Z.Yuldasheva, a leading expert of the Center for Reproductive Health, delivered a speech on the theme "Early marriage and its negative consequences". The roundtable was full of discussions and question-answers, and agreed to hold events on all the faculties.

Report by Kh.Eshova, a deputy dean of faculty of MLR

R.Jumaniyozov, the press secretary of the institute